CHVRCHES Podcast #019 - News Updates, 2 Fan Interviews, & Part 2 of Australia Band Interview
The 19th CHVRCHES Fan Podcast was recorded & published on April 14, 2017. This issue covers (full show notes):
- CHVRCHES future 7” Singles to support Planned Parenthood.
- Funny dog video to the song Clearest Blue.
- Haley (@StayVndrTheTide) answers CHVRCHES' questions
- CHVRCHΞS FΛNGVRL (@ChvrchesFangvrl) has Fan Q&A
Music segments sampled in the podcast included:
- CHVRCHES "Bela Lugosi’s Dead"
- CHVRCHES "Dead Air"
- Soft Cell "Tainted Love" [thanks Lauren Mayberry Fans for the recommendation]
- Bumpers by Alyssa
- "The Enemy Is Him (The Dream Child Mix)" from the movie "The House Of Him" (via David Robert Simpson)
A complete PDF of our show notes for this podcast are available.
Feedback options: leave a comment, email, or @chvrchespodcast.
Listen! (Size: 28.6-MBs, Time: 24m50s)